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- Be More BoYes I’m talking about Bo Peep but not the one who sits waiting patiently for her sheep to come home; the one from Disney Pixar’s Toy Story 4. You know, the kick ass one that’s, well, lost and broken… In the words […]
- Be kind to… ??…ME please! If you know me, or you don’t but are one of the few strangers that follow my blog any way, you’ll know that my brother unexpectedly died in July last year and that since then I’ve written a grand total […]
- My Particular GriefSaturday 10th July 2021. As someone who notoriously forgets key dates (unless they’re mine!) that one is engraved on my brain and my heart forever. It is the day I kissed my brother on his ashen forehead and said goodbye for the […]
And the very first musing. Meet Little Miss Particular:
Hi! I’m Little Miss Particular. I also answer to Leanne, Mummy [or my favourite “Mumma”], Wifey and various other things.
Names are funny things aren’t they?! Titles even more so. They’re helpful in that they usually give you information about that person. “Mum” tells you I have children. “Wifey” tells you I’m married. “Maths Tutor” (another title of mine) tells you I’m a geek! But they can also be unhelpful as they don’t tell you everything. For instance, I’m not just a Mum. I’m not even just a tutor… I actually have two ‘official’ jobs (by official I mean they benefit my bank account) amongst a host of other things I do.
So, in some ways I prefer Leanne, because that leaves things open doesn’t it. There are no pre-drawn conclusions on ‘Leanne’, well, unless you already know a really hideous person with the same name! If you want to know things about me and all you know is my name, then you’ll have to ask. You’ll have to get to know me for yourself.
But in the same breath I actually quite like some of my titles. I’m super proud to be a Mum and a Wife, I’ll happily wear them like badges of honour. Of course, there are some I don’t like – “overweight” is not one I wear proudly but it does give you some added information eh!
So why am I rambling on about names and titles? Because I’m new here. And this here, this website, or ‘blogazine’ as I call it, is all about getting to know me, in the hope that you will get to know you, so I’m giving you some starter clues! And it also leads on to why I’ve named this, ‘Little Miss Particular’.
I suppose I should have just called it ‘Leanne’ and let you figure it out but that feels a little conceited don’t you think?!
So here goes. The ‘Little Miss’ is somewhat ironic because I’m not little (I’m not huge either but apparently, I have very big bones!) and I’m not a Miss. But ‘Little Miss’ is what my Gran used to call me. In fact it’s what she’s called all her granddaughters at some point in our lives and it’s what she calls our girls now. It comes from ‘Little Miss Muffet’. I don’t really know why but it just does. She used it as a nickname for my Mum too. Unfortunately though, for my Mum, she got the other end of the name… shortened! I’ll leave that for you to work out but suffice to say, the nickname of 30 plus years was addressed some time in the 90s when, as teenagers, my brother and I became mortified by it and it’s alternative meaning was eventually explained to my Gran!
Anyway, I digress! So ‘Little Miss’ was one of the first alternative names I was ever given and I guess that makes it special to me, especially as I was the first granddaughter and I really love my Gran. We’re also big fans of the Mr Men & Little Miss books in our house so there’s a nod to them too.
But Little Miss Particular, I don’t think there’s been a Little Miss Particular book yet and if there was I would offer my character and my stories as inspiration. It was about 9 years ago that I was first accused of being “particular”. The accuser was an assistant in a jewellers and I say accused because it did feel like a negative at the time and I reacted quite strongly, with this: “this is my wedding ring! A ring that symbolises my marriage and a ring that I intend to wear forever, so yes I am rather particular about the fact you’ve ruined it and replaced it three times over already!”
Offence was taken but nine years on it’s a title that’s been added to my honours list. I’m sure you’ll agree that a wedding ring is something to be particular about but there are other things in life where I have applied the same level of attention, potentially unnecessarily. People will tell you I’m a perfectionist but I’m not really. I can handle imperfection as the reality is there’s no such thing as perfect. But I do like things to look in a particular way, or to be said in a particular way. And my joy in life is working out what that particular way is, for that particular thing, and to try to make it happen.
So that’s me. Little Miss Particular in sentiment and behaviour. I’d love you to get to know me – not all of me, that’s reserved for a select few – but more than that, my hope is that in sharing a little of me, you will learn a lot about you so that you can ‘Know Yourself, Be Yourself”…
I’ll tell you more about that another time.
P.S I’m a Christian*
*See my next article!
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