Infinite Affinity

Life as a Wife!

Husbandy and I share a very particular view on marriage and relationships in general: they are good! We work hard at our marriage and recognise that it takes just that – conscious, intentional effort and work – to keep a relationship being the best it can be. And we are passionate about encouraging others to do the same. Infinite Affinity is what we call it.

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  • Caution. Couple at Work
    Unless you’ve been fully hibernating recently, it will have been hard to miss the fact that tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. There are camps that throw everything at the day and others that stubbornly ignore it, claiming it’s nothing but a Hallmark money… Read more: Caution. Couple at Work
  • Infinite Affinity
    When we first met, we had many things in common (and many differences too!), three of which have remained vital to our relationship: The first is that, in our late twenties, having been through a few failed relationships between us, we were… Read more: Infinite Affinity