Little Miss Particular
This is my default! The area where everything else goes. The bits that don’t fit a category – you’ll find them here!
There’ll be one running theme, though: Know Yourself, Be Yourself
Latest posts:
- Be More BoYes I’m talking about Bo Peep but not the one who sits waiting patiently for her sheep to come home; the one from Disney Pixar’s Toy Story 4. You know, the kick ass one that’s, well, lost and broken… In the words… Read more: Be More Bo
- Be kind to… ??…ME please! If you know me, or you don’t but are one of the few strangers that follow my blog any way, you’ll know that my brother unexpectedly died in July last year and that since then I’ve written a grand total… Read more: Be kind to… ??
- My Particular GriefSaturday 10th July 2021. As someone who notoriously forgets key dates (unless they’re mine!) that one is engraved on my brain and my heart forever. It is the day I kissed my brother on his ashen forehead and said goodbye for the… Read more: My Particular Grief
- Lost in the Language of LossIf you follow my social media, you may have noticed that my recent absence is due to the sudden and unexpected death of my brother. A sentence I could never have imagined ever needing to write. A sentence that I have put… Read more: Lost in the Language of Loss
- It’s Too Peopley…You may notice from the dates, that it’s been over a month since I’ve posted on my website. If you follow my Instagram or Facebook page you’ll see that I’ve not been that active recently either. As I explained in my last… Read more: It’s Too Peopley…
- ValueA few months ago, I found myself asking somebody the question: “What value do you see in me?” I’m sure any one walking in on the conversation could have thought it was an incredibly insecure or narcissistic question. In fact when I… Read more: Value
- I’ll Twinkle, thanksI grew up through the age of ‘perfection’ being in the form of skinny models on magazines. It’s hard to remember such a time and I’m sure many of you won’t be able to imagine such a time, but there were no… Read more: I’ll Twinkle, thanks
- Stranger on a benchIt would have been easy not to have asked, for fear of offending, fear of rejection and fear of causing offence. But then I would have been forced to sit on the grass, alone and I would have missed out on a… Read more: Stranger on a bench
- Fail.As I sat waiting for a nurse to come and explain why I was unable to give blood (again!), for a moment today, I felt like I’d failed. I was being glared at by the logos all around me: ‘Save a life.… Read more: Fail.
- Meet Little Miss Particular III suspect the ending to my first post ‘Meet Little Miss Particular’ sparked varying reactions. Maybe it turned you off my site altogether – though if you’re reading this then something must have ignited your curiosity! Maybe it was something you could… Read more: Meet Little Miss Particular II
- Meet Little Miss ParticularHi! I’m Little Miss Particular. I also answer to Leanne, Mummy [or my favourite “Mumma”], Wifey and various other things. Names are funny things aren’t they?! Titles even more so. They’re helpful in that they usually give you information about that person.… Read more: Meet Little Miss Particular